Carpentier-Edwards Physio II
Carpentier-Edwards Physio
Carpentier-Edwards Physio II
Carpentier-Edwards Physio II ring
Invented by Alain F. Carpentier, MD, PhD and David H. Adams, MD
Repair without limits
Ease for every implant
- Designed by surgeons to improve the implant experience including suture management, ring placement and assessment of the repair
- Angled holder improves visualization and line-of-sight to the mitral valve
Indicated for use in patients with mitral valve insufficiency
Carpentier-Edwards Physio II annuloplasty ring ↓↓

CARPENTIER-EDWARDS Physio II ring profile view ↓↓
Global shape optimization ↓↓

Model & Specifications
Carpentier-Edwards Physio
Carpentier-Edwards Physio ring
Provides the advantage of the remodeling concept while preserving flexibility
- Remodeling preserves 3:4 ratio between the anteroposterior diameter and transverse diameter during systole
- Restores anatomical size and shape to provide optimal orifice area
- Progressive posterior flexibility allows for physiologic contractility of the mitral valve annulus during systole
Carpentier-Edwards Physio annuloplasty ring ↓↓

Carpentier-Edwards Physio annuloplasty ring side view ↓↓

Model & Specifications